3v Autograph 4r. Book 1, Stanzas 7–12 Compare 4v  

Encotal guisa libere sifero·
ben chepoi mātenersi nōpotero·

Rechato adunque co ferri adeffecto
lor malvoler| voller maestra ⁊̣duce
che correggesse ciascun lor difecto
adben viver desse forma ⁊luce
nead tal voḷglia dier lungo rispecto
ma delle donne chelluogho produce·
Elesser reyna enla lorterra
ypolita gentil mastra diguerra·

Laquale ancora chefemina fosse
dibelleççe piena oltre misura
prese lasingnoria sirimosse
dasse ciascuna feminil paura
intal guisa ordino lesue posse
chelrengno suo se fece sicura
Nedivicine genti avea doctāça
si sifidava nella sua possança·

Rengnādo adunque animosa costei
alle sue donne fe comādamento
che greci traçii egiptii o sabei
ne huomini altri alcunị neltenimēto
entrar lasciasser se| ẹsse avean diḷlei
lagratia chara ma ciascuno spento
Divita fosse chevisappressasse
sesubito ilterren isgombrasse.

Seꝑ ventura li fosser venute
femine diqual parte sivolesse
dallor beningnamēte ricevute
comādo fossero selor piacesse
desser cōloro īsieme ritenute
dovessono esser si che siriempiesse
Illuogho dicolor cheli morieno
diquelle che daltronde li venieno·

Sotto tal legge piu anni quel rengno
istette eporti furon ben guardati
sicche nōvi venia nave nelengno
o da fortuna o da altro menati
chefosser li chenōlasciasser pengno
oltre alpiacer loro| malmenati·
Concio sia cosa chela principale intentione dellautore diquesto li
bretto sia ditrattare dellamore ⁊dellecose advenute ꝑ quello| dadue
giovani thebani cioe arcita ⁊palemone ad emilia amaçona sicome
nelsuo proemio appare potrebbe 5alcuno ⁊giustamente adiman
dare che avesse qui affare laguerra di theseo ꝯledonne amaçone
della quale solamente parla ilprimo libro diquesta oꝑa dico ⁊ bri
evemente chelautore adniuno altro fine queste cose scrisse se
nō ꝑmostrare onde emilia fosse venuta ad acthene ⁊ꝑcio che
la materia cioe licostumi dellepredette donne 10amaçone| ealq̄
to pellegrina allepiu genti| ⁊ꝑcio piu piacevole lavolle alq̄
to piu distesamēte porre cheꝑadventura nō bisognava ⁊ ilsi
migliante fa della sconfitta data adatheseo adcreonte Re di
thebe ꝑ dichiarare donde ⁊come alle mani ditheseo ꝑvenisse
ro arcita ⁊palemone· lequali due cose mostrate assai delle
seguenti 15rimangono alettori molto piu chiare;
This is the first of 39 instances in the poem where Bocc. copies the word as adunque. Because he copies it elsewhere as adumque only nine times, the editors have chosen to expand the abbreviated examples of the word in the poem as adunque.) Bocc.'s spelling differs in the glosses, however; here he consistently spells the word as adumque. For this reason, the editors have chosen to expand the abbreviated examples of the word in the prose -- that is, in the preface (where all instances are abbreviated) and in the glosses -- as adumque.
A later hand has underdotted the abbreviated et in a different ink; the word appears in NO and should not be deleted.
Bocc. revised volgli to voglia at a later date, underdotting the l for expunction and adding an interlinear a.
huomini ... alcun: orig. huomi ... alcuni Writing in the gothic script of AUT, but using darker ink, Bocc. emended the text after the original copying.
dillei: the l is underedotted l for expunction.
Bocc.'s original alpiacer is visible under alparer, which is retraced by C-3. Batt. notes that the MSS have al piacer, adding that, because of the retracing, the reading is «incerta» (p. 15, n.1); however, he (and the Eds.) do not emend it.

The Eds. disagree about the correct placement of the Con ciò sia gloss in the edition. This disagreement is the product of two conflicting interpretations about the structure and themes of the poem. The purpose of this note is to argue for an alternate placement of the gloss, based on a third reading of the structure and themes of the poem.

Batt. and Ronc. link the Con ciò sia gloss to 1.10, the octave that describes the efforts of Ipolita, once she was elected queen of the Amazons, to prevent any men from entering her kingdom. Lim. (878, n.10) makes the case that the gloss has no particular relationship with 1.10; he argues, instead, that, instead of serving as a note about Ipolita's rule as queen of the Amazons, it is better understood as an introduction to the Teseida narrative as a whole. Noting that in AUT the gloss begins toward the end of 1.7, a few octaves before 1.10, Lim. chooses to link it with 1.6, the first octave in the narrative portion of the Teseida.

Linking the gloss with 1.6 has a certain appeal. Five octaves previously, at the invocation to the Muses that begins the poem (1.1), a gloss discusses the the author's reason for this invocation. Gl. 1.1.1 explains that the author invokes the Muses in observance of an ancient custom long followed by writers: secondo l'antico costume de' componitori. Since 1.6 marks another beginning -- the narrative section of the poem -- it would seem fitting to mark that beginning with a similar gloss referring to the events of the narrative and to the author's intentions in composing the story.

Besides introducing two major divisions of the poem, 1.1 and 1.6 are also identified by rubrics. The rubric at 1.1 announces the beginning of the first book of the Teseida and the author's invocation. The rubric at 1.6 identifies the themes of the next section of the poem (1.6-1.17): the time of and the provocation for Theseus's campaign against the queen of the Amazons (il tempo et la cagione nel quale e per che Theseo, ducha d'Acthene, andò adosso alla reina delle donne amazone). Because both glosses introduce major parts of the poem; because they both discuss the author's intentions; and because 1.1 and 1.6 are both introduced by rubrics, one can understand Lim.'s decision to place the Con ciò sia gloss at 1.6.

The problem with this choice, however, is that it implies that Bocc. miscopied the gloss, placing it in the right margin of fol. 4r instead of giving it a privileged position at 1.6 on the previous page (fol. 3v) -- a position that would have resembled the placement of gl. 1.1.1. Another difficulty with this editorial choice is that no such similar error in layout occurs elsewhere in AUT. In copying AUT, Bocc. makes consistent efforts to place the glosses as close as possible to the texts that they discuss. In order to achieve this, he copies glosses in both margins of a page when necessary, supplies lemmas in order to relate text and glosses, and even uses paired symbols to connect glosses with their subjects. If Bocc. had intended the gloss for 1.6, he would not have placed the relatively unimportant glasses about Egeo (1.6.1) and Scizia (1.6.2) in their prominent position in the margin to the right of 1.6. Instead, he could have constructed these as interlinear glosses or placed them in the left margin at 1.6. The long gloss announcing la principale intenzione dell'autore di questo libretto could then have occupied the right margin at 1.6.1-.7.6, including the space now occupied by the gloss on Belo (gl.1.7.1). The Belo gloss could then have been placed in the left margin or moved to fol. 4r and copied in the position now occupied by the Con ciò sia gloss.

The most sensible approach concerning this gloss is to assume that it is positioned precisely where Bocc. meant it to be. The manuscript evidence certainly supports this argument. In NO the glosses beginning at 1.6 are copied in the right margin and in the same sequence that they appear in AUT: the Egeo and Scizia glosses at 1.6.1 and 1.6.2; the Belo gloss at 1.7.1; and the Con ciò sia gloss beginning at 1.8.5. (This last gloss cannot be placed at the beginning of 1.8 as in AUT, however, because of the different layout of the MSS. In NO, the lower margin of fol. 3v is occupied by a drawing for which there is no provision in AUT; in addition, the right margin of 4r is narrower in NO. As a result, the Belo gloss in NO occupies a different marginal space -- from 1.6.8 to 1.8.4. This, in turn, displaces the Con ciò sia gloss, which follows: the gloss, which fills the margin to the right of 1.8 in AUT, must begin at 1.8.5 in NO.)

Besides examining the appearance of the glosses in NO, it is useful to look at their placement in the MSS with the short-commentary glosses. The gloss appears in MSS from all three families, but it is never copied at 1.6. The alpha copy (RL) has the gloss at 1.1.1, where it serves as a general statement of the author's intention for the whole poem; in the gamma copy (P2), the gloss begins at 1.9.3; and in the beta copy (MT), the gloss appears at the end of 1.8.

The position of the gloss at 1.8 in MT is the most certain indication of its location because MT does not have marginal glosses. Instead, in MT the glosses are copied in the same column as the poem, immediately after the octave to which they refer. Marginal or interlinear symbols link the glosses with their point of reference in the poem. No such symbol appears in 1.8, which implies that the gloss refers to the entire octave. In sum, then, in all five MSS where it appears (AUT, NO, RL, P2, and MT), the Con ciò sia gloss is associated not with 1.6 or 1.10, but rather with 1.8. For these various reasons this edition links the Con ciò sia gloss with 1.8.

One final, thematic reason supports this choice of 1.8 as the location of the gloss: the history of the Amazons begins at 1.6 (where the women determine to rule themselves) and continues in l.7 (where they kill their husbands). At 1.8 the Amazons make a political decision that sets in the motion the events of the Teseida: they elect Ipolita as their queen, a role that she exercises for some years (1.9-12), until Theseus determines to make war on Ipolita and her women (1.13). The rubric at 1.6 states that the subject of 1.6-1.17 is to be Theseus's campaign against the queen of the Amazons. The election of Ipolita in 1.8 is thus the specific act that motivates the events of the narrative that are highlighted and summarized in the Con ciò sia gloss. For this reason, while 1.6-.7 can be considered as Bocc.'s prologue to the narrative, 1.8 should be considered as the true beginning of the narrative. Bocc. thus copied the gloss at 1.8 in order to indicate that this is the appropriate point for the author to announce his understanding of and intentions for the narrative to follow.

The a after data is underdotted for expunction.

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 7, word 1

Edition: e 'n cotal
AUT: Encotal
NO: Enchotal

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 7, word 2

Edition: guisa
AUT: guisa
NO: ghuisa

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 7, word 3

Edition: libere
AUT: libere
NO: libere

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 7, word 4

Edition: si fero,
AUT: sifero·
NO: sifero

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 8, word 1

Edition: ben
AUT: ben
NO: benche

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 8, word 2

Edition: che poi
AUT: chepoi
NO: benche poi·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 8, word 3

Edition: mantenersi
AUT: mātenersi
NO: mantenersi·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 7, line 8, word 4

Edition: non potero.
AUT: nōpotero·
NO: nonpotero

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 1, word 1

Edition: Rechato
AUT: Rechato
NO: Rechato·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 1, word 2

Edition: adunque
AUT: adunque
NO: adunque

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 1, word 3

Edition: co'
AUT: co
NO: coferri

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 1, word 4

Edition: ferri
AUT: ferri
NO: coferri

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 1, word 5

Edition: ad effecto
AUT: adeffecto
NO: adeffetto

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 2, word 1

Edition: lor
AUT: lor
NO: lormalvoler

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 2, word 2

Edition: malvoler,
AUT: malvoler|
NO: lormalvoler

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 2, word 3

Edition: voller
AUT: voller
NO: voler

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 2, word 4

Edition: maestra
AUT: maestra
NO: maestro

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 2, word 5

Edition: et duce
AUT: ⁊̣duce
NO: educe

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 3, word 1

Edition: che
AUT: che
NO: chechorreggesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 3, word 2

Edition: correggesse
AUT: correggesse
NO: chechorreggesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 3, word 3

Edition: ciascun
AUT: ciascun
NO: caschun

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 3, word 4

Edition: lor
AUT: lor
NO: lor

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 3, word 5

Edition: difecto
AUT: difecto
NO: difetto

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 1

Edition: et ad
AUT: ⁊ adben
NO: al

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 2

Edition: ben
AUT: adben
NO: benviver·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 3

Edition: viver
AUT: viver
NO: benviver·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 4

Edition: desse
AUT: desse
NO: desse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 5

Edition: forma
AUT: forma
NO: forma

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 4, word 6

Edition: et luce;
AUT: ⁊luce
NO: ⁊ luce

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 1

Edition: né ad
AUT: nead
NO: neatalvoglia

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 2

Edition: tal
AUT: tal
NO: neatalvoglia

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 3

Edition: voglia
AUT: voḷglia
NO: neatalvoglia

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 4

Edition: dier
AUT: dier
NO: dier

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 5

Edition: lungo
AUT: lungo
NO: lungho

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 5, word 6

Edition: rispecto,
AUT: rispecto
NO: rispetto

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 6, word 1

Edition: ma
AUT: ma
NO: ma

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 6, word 2

Edition: delle
AUT: delle
NO: delle

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 6, word 3

Edition: donne
AUT: donne
NO: donne

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 6, word 4

Edition: che 'l luogho
AUT: chelluogho
NO: chelluogho

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 6, word 5

Edition: produce
AUT: produce·
NO: produce

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 7, word 1

Edition: elesser
AUT: Elesser
NO: Elesson

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 7, word 2

Edition: per
AUT: ꝑ
NO: ꝑ

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 7, word 3

Edition: reyna
AUT: reyna
NO: reina

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 7, word 4

Edition: en la
AUT: enla
NO: en lalor

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 7, word 5

Edition: lor terra
AUT: lorterra
NO: lalor terra

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 8, word 1

Edition: Ypolita
AUT: ypolita
NO: ypolita

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 8, word 2

Edition: gentil,
AUT: gentil
NO: gentil

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 8, word 3

Edition: mastra
AUT: mastra
NO: mastra

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 8, line 8, word 4

Edition: di guerra.
AUT: diguerra·
NO: dighuerra

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 1, word 1

Edition: La quale,
AUT: Laquale
NO: Laquale

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 1, word 2

Edition: ancora
AUT: ancora
NO: anchor

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 1, word 3

Edition: che femina
AUT: chefemina
NO: chefemina

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 1, word 4

Edition: fosse
AUT: fosse
NO: fusse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 2, word 1

Edition: et
AUT: ⁊
NO: edi

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 2, word 2

Edition: di bellezze
AUT: dibelleççe
NO: edi bellezza

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 2, word 3

Edition: piena
AUT: piena
NO: piena

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 2, word 4

Edition: oltre
AUT: oltre
NO: oltra

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 2, word 5

Edition: misura,
AUT: misura
NO: misura

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 3, word 1

Edition: prese
AUT: prese
NO: prese

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 3, word 2

Edition: la signoria,
AUT: lasingnoria
NO: la signioria

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 3, word 3

Edition: et
AUT: ⁊
NO: essi·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 3, word 4

Edition: sì rimosse
AUT: sirimosse
NO: essi· rimosse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 4, word 1

Edition: dassé
AUT: dasse
NO: dasse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 4, word 2

Edition: ciascuna
AUT: ciascuna
NO: ciaschuna

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 4, word 3

Edition: feminil
AUT: feminil
NO: feminil

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 4, word 4

Edition: paura,
AUT: paura
NO: paura

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 1

Edition: et
AUT: ⁊
NO: eintal

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 2

Edition: in tal
AUT: intal
NO: eintal

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 3

Edition: guisa
AUT: guisa
NO: ghuisa

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 4

Edition: ordinò
AUT: ordino
NO: hordino

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 5

Edition: le sue
AUT: lesue
NO: lesue

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 5, word 6

Edition: posse,
AUT: posse
NO: posse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 1

Edition: che 'l rengno
AUT: chelrengno
NO: cherregnio

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 2

Edition: suo
AUT: suo
NO: suo

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 3

Edition: et
AUT: ⁊
NO: esse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 4

Edition: sé
AUT: se
NO: esse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 5

Edition: fece
AUT: fece
NO: fece

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 6, word 6

Edition: sicura;
AUT: sicura
NO: sichura

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 7, word 1

Edition: né di vicine
AUT: Nedivicine
NO: Nedivicina

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 7, word 2

Edition: genti
AUT: genti
NO: genti

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 7, word 3

Edition: avea
AUT: avea
NO: avea

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 7, word 4

Edition: doctanza,
AUT: doctāça
NO: dottanza

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 8, word 1

Edition: sì
AUT: si
NO: sissi

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 8, word 2

Edition: si fidava
AUT: sifidava
NO: sissi fidava

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 8, word 3

Edition: nella
AUT: nella
NO: nelle·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 8, word 4

Edition: sua
AUT: sua
NO: sua

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 9, line 8, word 5

Edition: possanza.
AUT: possança·
NO: possanza

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 1, word 1

Edition: ¶
AUT: ¶
NO: ¶

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 1, word 2

Edition: Rengnando
AUT: Rengnādo
NO: ¶

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 1, word 3

Edition: adunque
AUT: adunque
NO: Regniando

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 1, word 4

Edition: animosa
AUT: animosa
NO: adunque

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 1, word 5

Edition: costei,
AUT: costei
NO: animosa chostej

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 2, word 1

Edition: alle
AUT: alle
NO: alle

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 2, word 2

Edition: sue
AUT: sue
NO: sue

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 2, word 3

Edition: donne
AUT: donne
NO: donne

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 2, word 4

Edition: fé
AUT: fe
NO: fe

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 2, word 5

Edition: comandamento
AUT: comādamento
NO: chomandamento

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 1

Edition: che
AUT: che
NO: chegreci·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 2

Edition: Greci,
AUT: greci
NO: chegreci·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 3

Edition: Trazii,
AUT: traçii
NO: trazy

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 4

Edition: Egiptii
AUT: egiptii
NO: egipty

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 5

Edition: o
AUT: o
NO: o

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 3, word 6

Edition: Sabei,
AUT: sabei
NO: sabei

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 4, word 1

Edition: né
AUT: ne
NO: neuomini

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 4, word 2

Edition: huomini
AUT: huomini
NO: neuomini

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 4, word 3

Edition: altri
AUT: altri
NO: altri·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 4, word 4

Edition: alcun
AUT: alcunị
NO: alchun

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 4, word 5

Edition: nel tenimento
AUT: neltenimēto
NO: nel tenimento

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 1

Edition: entrar
AUT: entrar
NO: entrar

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 2

Edition: lasciasser,
AUT: lasciasser
NO: lasciasser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 3

Edition: se
AUT: se|
NO: sesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 4

Edition: esse
AUT: ẹsse
NO: sesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 5

Edition: avean
AUT: avean
NO: aven

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 5, word 6

Edition: di lei
AUT: diḷlei
NO: dilei

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 6, word 1

Edition: la gratia
AUT: lagratia
NO: lagrazia

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 6, word 2

Edition: chara;
AUT: chara
NO: chara

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 6, word 3

Edition: ma
AUT: ma
NO: ma

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 6, word 4

Edition: ciascuno
AUT: ciascuno
NO: caschuno

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 6, word 5

Edition: spento
AUT: spento
NO: spento

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 7, word 1

Edition: di vita
AUT: Divita
NO: Divita

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 7, word 2

Edition: fosse
AUT: fosse
NO: fosse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 7, word 3

Edition: che vi s'appressasse,
AUT: chevisappressasse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 8, word 1

Edition: se subito
AUT: sesubito
NO: sesubito

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 8, word 2

Edition: il terren
AUT: ilterren
NO: ilterren

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 8, word 3

Edition: non
AUT: nō
NO: non

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 10, line 8, word 4

Edition: isgombrasse.
AUT: isgombrasse.
NO: isghonbrasse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 1, word 1

Edition: Se per
AUT: Seꝑ
NO: Seper

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 1, word 2

Edition: ventura
AUT: ventura
NO: ventura

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 1, word 3

Edition: lì
AUT: li
NO: li

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 1, word 4

Edition: fosser
AUT: fosser
NO: fosser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 1, word 5

Edition: venute
AUT: venute
NO: venute

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 2, word 1

Edition: femine,
AUT: femine
NO: femine

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 2, word 2

Edition: di qual
AUT: diqual
NO: diqual

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 2, word 3

Edition: parte
AUT: parte
NO: parte

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 2, word 4

Edition: si volesse,
AUT: sivolesse
NO: sivolesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 3, word 1

Edition: da llor
AUT: dallor
NO: dallor

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 3, word 2

Edition: beningnamente
AUT: beningnamēte
NO: benigniamente

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 3, word 3

Edition: ricevute
AUT: ricevute
NO: ricevute

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 4, word 1

Edition: comandò
AUT: comādo
NO: chomando

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 4, word 2

Edition: fossero
AUT: fossero
NO: fussero,

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 4, word 3

Edition: et,
AUT: ⁊
NO: esse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 4, word 4

Edition: se lor
AUT: selor
NO: esse lorpiacesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 4, word 5

Edition: piacesse
AUT: piacesse
NO: lorpiacesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 5, word 1

Edition: d'esser
AUT: desser
NO: desser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 5, word 2

Edition: con loro
AUT: cōloro
NO: cholloro

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 5, word 3

Edition: insieme,
AUT: īsieme
NO: insieme

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 5, word 4

Edition: ritenute
AUT: ritenute
NO: ritenute

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 6, word 1

Edition: dovessono
AUT: dovessono
NO: dovessenesser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 6, word 2

Edition: esser,
AUT: esser
NO: dovessenesser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 6, word 3

Edition: sì
AUT: si
NO: si

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 6, word 4

Edition: che
AUT: che
NO: che

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 6, word 5

Edition: sì riempiesse
AUT: siriempiesse
NO: senon piesse

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 7, word 1

Edition: il luogho
AUT: Illuogho
NO: Illuogho

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 7, word 2

Edition: di color
AUT: dicolor
NO: dicholor·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 7, word 3

Edition: che lì
AUT: cheli
NO: chelli·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 7, word 4

Edition: morieno
AUT: morieno
NO: morieno

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 8, word 1

Edition: di quelle
AUT: diquelle
NO: diquelle

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 8, word 2

Edition: che
AUT: che
NO: che

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 8, word 3

Edition: d'altronde
AUT: daltronde
NO: daltronde

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 8, word 4

Edition: lì
AUT: li
NO: livenieno

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 11, line 8, word 5

Edition: venieno.
AUT: venieno·
NO: livenieno

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 1

Edition: ¶
AUT: ¶
NO: ¶

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 2

Edition: Sotto
AUT: Sotto
NO: ¶

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 3

Edition: tal
AUT: tal
NO: Sotto·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 4

Edition: legge
AUT: legge
NO: tal

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 5

Edition: più
AUT: piu
NO: legge

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 6

Edition: anni
AUT: anni
NO: piu

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 7

Edition: quel
AUT: quel
NO: anni·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 1, word 8

Edition: rengno
AUT: rengno
NO: quel regnio

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 2, word 1

Edition: istette,
AUT: istette
NO: stette

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 2, word 2

Edition: e' porti
AUT: eporti
NO: eporti·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 2, word 3

Edition: furon
AUT: furon
NO: furon

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 2, word 4

Edition: ben
AUT: ben
NO: ben

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 2, word 5

Edition: guardati,
AUT: guardati
NO: ghuardati

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 3, word 1

Edition: sicché
AUT: sicche
NO: sicche

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 3, word 2

Edition: non vi
AUT: nōvi
NO: nonvi

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 3, word 3

Edition: venia
AUT: venia
NO: venia

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 3, word 4

Edition: nave
AUT: nave
NO: nave

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 3, word 5

Edition: né lengno,
AUT: nelengno
NO: nelegnio

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 1

Edition: o
AUT: o
NO: o

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 2

Edition: da
AUT: da
NO: dafortuna

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 3

Edition: fortuna
AUT: fortuna
NO: dafortuna

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 4

Edition: o
AUT: o
NO: ho

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 5

Edition: da
AUT: da
NO: da

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 6

Edition: altro
AUT: altro
NO: altro

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 4, word 7

Edition: menati
AUT: menati
NO: menati

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 5, word 1

Edition: che fosser
AUT: chefosser
NO: chefusser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 5, word 2

Edition: lì,
AUT: li
NO: li·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 5, word 3

Edition: che non lasciasser
AUT: chenōlasciasser
NO: chenon lasciasser

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 5, word 4

Edition: pengno
AUT: pengno
NO: pegnio

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 6, word 1

Edition: oltre
AUT: oltre
NO: oltral

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 6, word 2

Edition: al parer
AUT: alpiacer
NO: oltral piarer·

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 6, word 3

Edition: loro;
AUT: loro|
NO: loro

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 6, word 4

Edition: et
AUT: ⁊
NO: ⁊

Variants at Book 1, Stanza 12, line 6, word 5

Edition: malmenati
AUT: malmenati·
NO: mal menati
